Boston Medical Center (BMC) Grayken Center for Addiction Training and Technical Assistance (TTA)

A Resource for Healthcare and Social Services Professionals

Group-Based Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (GBOT!): The Evidence and Nuts and Bolts to Implementation

June 30, 2020
12:00 pm–1:00 pm ET

This session will provide an overview of medical group visits and how to conduct such visits for substance use disorder care.

Virtual meeting

Via Zoom
Visit the meeting URL


In this special topics session, Randi Sokol, MD, MPH, MMedEd, will provide an overview of medical group visits, how to run such visits for substance use disorder care, and special considerations for conducting these visits via Zoom. Please see event flyer attached for Dr. Sokol's full bio.

Advance registration via Zoom is required for this event. To register via Zoom, please follow this link:

Intended audience

Clinical and administrative staff working in addiction treatment programs in the U.S.


Randi Sokol, MD, MPH, MMedEd

Randi Sokol, MD, MPH, MMedEd, is a core faculty member at the Tufts Family Medicine program, where she is involved in clinical work, teaching, research, and advocacy, specifically around vulnerable populations that struggle with substance abuse and mental health issues. She has published and teaching on medical group visits start group visits with a focus on Pain and Addiction Curriculum and the Group Visit curriculum. She has recently become very involved in research related to Group Based Opioid Treatment (“GBOT”), a term she coined in the medical literature and has presented at several national conferences and provides individual consultation to clinics and residency program looking to treat addiction through a group-based model. Randi also serves on several CHA- wide committees related to pain and addiction and helped create PASS, an interdisciplinary consultation service to support primary care providers with complex pain/addiction-related cases.

Sponsored by

Boston Medical Center, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Addiction Services

Grayken Center for Addiction TTA is a program of Boston Medical Center (BMC), a 514-bed academic medical center located in Boston's historic South End and the largest safety-net hospital in New England.

Funding for Grayken Center for Addiction TTA is provided by:

Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS)
GE Foundation
Opioid Response Network

The content on this site and the content presented by Grayken Center for Addiction TTA is intended solely to inform and educate healthcare and social service professionals, and shall not be used for medical advice and is not a substitute for the advice or treatment of a qualified medical professional. The hospital, the program, and the contributors are not acting as health care providers or professional consultants on behalf of any specific patient and disclaim establishing a provider-patient relationship with any specific patient.

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